Dutch Dog Training Commands

The German Shepherd dog can be trained in any language. Here you will find commonly used dog training commands for obedience, protection, tracking, and more. These commands are translated from English to Dutch. These dog training commands are also translated in French, Czech, and German.

 English:  Dutch:  (Pronunciation)
 Sit:  Zit  (szit)
 Down  Af  (auf)
 Stand  Staan  (stan)
 Stay  Blijf  (blife)
 Heel  Volg (l) Rechts (r)  (volg / reck-sh)
 Come  Hier  (hee-eer)
 Speak  Blaffen  (blah-vin)
 Jump  Over  (oh-ver)
 Fetch  Apport  (ah-port)
 Go Out  Voruit  (voh-rit)
 Guard/Alert  Bewaken  (bay-walkin)
 Search  Reveiren  (ray-vee-rin)
 Track  Zoek  (Zuke)
 Out/Let Go  Loslaten  (los-law-ten)
 No  Foei  (foo-ee)