French Dog Training Commands
The German Shepherd dog can be trained in any language. Here you will find commonly used dog training commands for obedience, protection, tracking, and more. These commands are translated from English to French. These dog training commands are also translated in Czech, Dutch, and German.
English: | French: | (Pronunciation) |
Sit: | Assis | (ah-see) |
Down | Coucher | (coo-shay) |
Stand | Debout | (da-boo) |
Stay | Reste | (rest) |
Heel | Au Pied | (oh-pee-aye) |
Come | Ici | (eh-see) |
Speak | Aboie | (ah-bwaa) |
Jump | Saute | (soot) |
Fetch | Rapporte | (aport) |
Go Out | En Vant | (on-a-vahn) |
Guard/Alert | Garde | (guard) |
Search | Cherche | (sherch) |
Track | Piste | (piss-te) |
Out/Let Go | Halte or Donne | (alt or don-aye) |
No | Non or Mauvais | (non or mauvais) |